Hemis Festival

21 May 2024

The date of Hemis Festival falls in June of the Gregorian calendar when the two-day festival commences. The next Hemis Tsechu is expected to be commemorated on 16th June 2024 to 17th June 2024.

The 'Hemis Tsechu' festival commemorates the birth anniversary of Guru Padmasambhava. It is a monastic festival celebrated in Ladakh. It takes place on the 10th and 11th day of the 5th month of the Tibetan calendar, in the courtyard of Hemis monastery.

HEMIS FESTIVAL 2024 - Shikhar Travels India, FESTIVAL IN LEH 2024

Hemis Chheshu is the largest summer festival held in Ladakh. A group musical dance drama is performed by the lamas to depict the exploits of the great master Padma Sambhava in vanquishing the Bon magicians and the spirits under their control. This dance involves precise movements which are practised well in advance.

Festivals of Kashmir

On this popular festival in Ladakh, Cham Dance and other traditional dances are performed in Hemis Monastery on the beats of drums and cymbal and on the tunes of long pipe like Tibetan music instrument. On both days, giant thangkas (Buddhist paintings) are unfurled for the public.